
2020-12-21 15:31:46    来源:互联网    浏览: 0 次 首页 > 流行 > 焦点>


  2020-12-18 17:15TOM 女士们/先生们:













  Welcome to 2020 Guangzhou International Live Broadcast Industry Expo!

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Asa commercial capital for thousands of years, Guangzhou is full of vitality. Welcome to 2020 Guangzhou International Live Broadcast Industry Expo during the Christmas season.

  On December 25 to 27, Guangzhou International Live Broadcast Industry Exposition (hereinafter referred to as” Live Broadcast Exposition "), we will create three exhibitions of comprehensive services of live broadcast+ beauty makeup + daily products (domestic trend, high-quality products and original design) on the theme of live broadcast ecology and creation of all the people in Guangzhou · China Import and Export Commodities Fair Pavilion. China's manufacturing industry is ready to enter into the industry of live broadcast, and a one-stop sharing platform of live broadcast resource for the whole industry will be built.

  This year is not only an extraordinary year, but also a year of acceleration. At the beginning of the year, the live broadcast e-commerce shows amazing explosive power, invigorate the entire market economy in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, live broadcast e-commerce withmulti-lateral cooperation and diverse forms has become a strong driving force for the high-quality development of the whole industry.

  New opportunities will emerge in crisis and new situation will be opened up in the midst of changes. Directed by Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce, based on the live broadcast city of Guangzhou, we will build thefirst exhibition platform based on the live broadcast industry. The exhibition starts from the source, introduces the supply chain and integrates the strength of the national professional market, e-commerce platform, industry organizations and business associations. It will drive innovation and entrepreneurship in the whole industry, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy and realize the live broadcast ecosystem.

  There will be release of policies for live broadcast industry. The live broadcast industry will be carefully sorted out and standardized regulations will be issued to promote the standardized, sustainable and high-quality development of the live broadcast industry.

  In addition, a series of activities on the theme of "Direct Access to 20210Expo " and a number of live broadcast competitions are held to select and encourage talents in the live broadcast industry. Then outstanding KOL/KOC and platform institutions can get more attention and development opportunities, and have the opportunity to get the awards of the 2021 Dubai World Expo.

  All the people create the live broadcast ecology together!From December 25 to 27, we will keep up with the development of the times, aim at the focus of industrial transformation, gather the momentum of digital economy and see through the development trend of live broadcast industry in the future clearly to help the high-quality development of enterprises. Welcome to Guangzhou International Live Broadcast Industry Expo!

  Best Regards!



本文来自: 品潮时尚网(http://www.pinchao.org/fashion/g/2020122130851.html),转载请注明来源。
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