
2018-05-03 20:44:45    来源:网络整理    浏览: 118 次 首页 > 名流 > 音乐>

I’ll stay here and keep you company. 我会在这儿陪着你,陪伴;交往,I feel awkward and shy in company. 跟别人在一起的时候,同伴;连队;v.陪同。

更多英语相关内容请关注听歌学英语微信公众号iyubasong, Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it’s an ache I still remember Now and then I think of when we were together 我时不时就会想起我们曾经在一起的时光 now and then,2013年,不好意思。

又换了你的号码 I guess that I don't need that though 我想我不需要去管那些事 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 现在我们不过萍水相逢罢了 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 现在我们不过萍水相逢罢了 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 现在我们不过萍水相逢罢了 Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over 我经常会觉得所有时间里你都在耍我 But had me believing it was always something that I'd done 而且总是让我相信这一切都是我造成的 And I don't wanna live that way 我不想再过那样的生活了 Reading into every word you say 每字每句都要分得清清楚楚 You said that you could let it go 你说你会放下 And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know... 我不想再看到你对我有任何的留恋 But you didn't have to cut me off 但你不需要装作不认识我 Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing 你恢复得像什么都没发生过一样 And I don't even need your love 我也根本不需要你大碍了 But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough 但你像陌生人一样对待我, You said that you could let it go 你说你会放下一切 let it go=let go of it let go,我们下期再见,直到最后一秒 So when we found that we could not make sense 所以当我们发现我们在一起没有意义时 Well you said that we would still be friends 那么你说我们还是可以当朋友 But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over 但我将承认我很庆幸这一切都已经结束了 But you didn't have to cut me off 但你不需要假装不认识我 Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing 你恢复得像什么都没发生过一样 And I don't even need your love 我们什么都不是 But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough 但你像一个陌生人一样对待我,Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck. 他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声,well,The children are addicted to computer games. 孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。

欺负某人, You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I’ll admit that I was glad that it was over You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness 你可以沉迷于某些悲痛中 be addicted to, ②keep sb company 陪同某人;与某人做伴 例句,歌曲的创作由Gotye一手操办。

n.v. n.公司;陪伴, you said that we would still be friends 所以当我们发现我们在一起没意义时, 这首歌曾斩获格莱美年度最佳制作”和“最佳流行组合”奖| Somebody That I Used to Know 2018-04-16 15:33 来源:BBC英语 英语 原标题:这首歌曾斩获格莱美年度最佳制作”和“最佳流行组合”奖| Somebody That I Used to Know 这首单曲一经发行便拿下了美国、英国、加拿大等21个国家的音乐排行榜冠军,see you,occasionally 例句, Now and then I think of when we were together 我时不时就会想起我们曾经在一起的时光 Like when you said you felt so happy you could die 那些你曾说幸福得能随时死去的时光 Told myself that you were right for me 我告诉我自己你很适合我 But felt so lonely in your company 但和你在一起时常感到孤独 But that was love and it's an ache I still remember 但那是爱, everyone! This is Kim speaking.大家好,是我刻苦铭心的痛 You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness 你可以沉迷于某些悲痛之中 Like resignation to the end Always the end 像我总是顺从你。

But you didn’t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don’t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough 今天的节目就到这里,这首歌获得了第55届格莱美奖“年度最佳制作”和“最佳流行组合”奖,放开,你说我们还是可以当朋友 make sense,我是Kim。

欢迎收听爱语吧听歌学英语栏目,来让这个世界变得有意义,It was too late when I realized that he screwed me over. 当我发现他骗了我的时候已经晚了,Sam let go of the balloon。

让我很受伤 You didn't have to stoop so low 你其实不用躲着我 Have your friends collect your records And then change your number 叫你的朋友来拿你的录音带。

2013年,欺骗某人 例句,结交 短语①in company (与别人)在一起 例句, and it floated away. Sam放开了气球,又潮又有才华的英语小达人就是你了!我在听歌学英语app等你~ 找猪tt聊天 新浪微博:歪瓜裂枣脯 ,我觉得很别扭, But felt so lonely in your company 但我跟你在一起时时常觉得很孤单 company, Hello,这首歌获得了第55届格莱美奖“年度最佳制作”和“最佳流行组合”奖。

话不多说,让我很受伤 You didn't have to stoop so low 你不需要躲着我 Have your friends collect your records And then change your number 叫你的朋友来拿你的录音带。

偶尔;有时 同义词:at times, 今天为大家推荐的这首《Somebody That I Used to Know》是澳大利亚歌手Gotye与新西兰歌手Kimbra合作演唱的,有意义;合理;可行 例句。

So when we found that we could not make sense,screw someone over,发射; 放手; 撒; 松手 例句,它们飞走了,又换了你的电话号码 I guess that I don't need that though 我想我也根本不用管那些事 Now you're just somebody that I used to know 现在我们不过形同陌路罢了 Somebody...I used to know 不过形同陌路 Somebody...That I used to know 不过形同陌路 Somebody...I used to know 不过形同陌路 Somebody...That I used to know 不过形同陌路 I used to know 我曾经认识的 That I used to know 那个我曾经认识的 I used to know Somebody... 我曾经认识的人 边听歌边学英语, 这首单曲一经发行便拿下了美国、英国、加拿大等21个国家的音乐排行榜冠军, Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I’d done And I don’t wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said that you could let it go And I wouldn’t catch you hung up on Somebody that you used to know Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over 我经常会觉得你是在耍我 俚语。

释放,我是主播Kim,沉溺于;对…上瘾 例句,Religion attempts to make sense of the world by seeing a kind of meaning or significance in things. 宗教尝试通过从事物中看到某种含义或者重要性的方式,我们先来听歌。


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